Queen Joni the llama, living in sanctuary at The Gentle Barn California

Queen Joni and Emperor Skip were kept with improper fencing or care and kept getting out and wandering down the middle of Laurel Canyon, California, a very busy, windy, and dangerous road. The neighbors were in an uproar not only for the llama’s safety but for the people driving through the neighborhood. The neighborhood got together, negotiated their release, and asked us to take them into the Gentle Barn California. After spending 30 days in our Sun Chlorella Healing Center to get socialized, quarantined, and neutered, Joni and Skip have learned to trust us. We then moved them to our main Gentle Barn property, where they’re getting to know the rest of our animals. They are settling in very nicely, and we look forward to having them at our California location for the rest of their lives.