Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Read Hiroka's Story (In Memoriam)

We found Hero among many animals confiscated from an extreme cruelty case by animal control and brought to us. She was in horrendous shape, and it took several months to help her gain weight, clean her wounds, and address all of her issues. Once she was well, she fell in love with our other horse Cherokee, and had a spectacular love affair. When Cherokee passed away, Hero went on to have seven more partners, loving each one with her entire heart. Hero was blind, had arthritis, and was of an advanced age, but she delighted in every single day she got to spend at the Gentle Barn. She was fed nutritious grain and bedtime cookies every day. She was the star of our equine therapy programs, healing people. She was groomed every morning, taken for slow walks, and given massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, energy, healing, music therapy, and lots of love. At the end of her life, Hero passed away from liver failure and left easily, effortlessly, and gratefully. We will miss Hero terribly and will be sharing stories of her for the rest of our lives.

Sponsorship Benefits

When you sponsor an animal for yourself or as a gift, you will receive a Certificate of Sponsorship, which includes your animal friend's bio, and a beautiful photo!

You will also receive monthly updates by email letting you know how your animal friend is doing as well as an updated photo.