Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other
Inspiring Kindness and Compassion towards Animals, Our Planet, and Each Other

Lakota turns Eleven

Almost eleven years ago, Jay and I took our family to South Dakota to build a home for a Lakota nation medicine woman. We experienced and learned many things while there, including participating in a sweat lodge ceremony where the details were new to me, but the songs, smells, and heat on my skin felt somehow familiar to my soul. We paid our…

Featured Video: Morning with the Gentle Barn Dogs

It's so hard to get out of the bed in the morning! Little One, Bingo, Lakota, and Socks are just too adorable, I want to stay with them all day! Look how happy Little One is!

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We had a wonderful group of kids here this week from South Central Los Angeles. We took four of The Gentle Barn’s dogs and hiked up a mountain and looked at the view of land that had been burned in a fire. Seven years ago, the land was burned, dead and…

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