Fernando the cow, living in sanctuary at The Gentle Barn California

Fernando was rescued from slaughter, and, after the people could no longer care for him, he came to The Gentle Barn for the rest of his life along with three other cows. Fernando and the others were terrified of humans but with time, patience, good food, clean water, warm shelter, and bedtime cookies, they finally softened, relaxed, and began to enjoy their lives at The Gentle Barn's Sun Chlorella Healing Center. With plenty of space, lots of friends and family, and dedicated staff to care for their every need, Fernando and the others are now happy, healthy, and safe for the rest of their lives. Fernando was extremely angry at first and even charged us trying desperately to protect himself and his family. He has relaxed a lot, no longer tries to come after us, and even takes cookies out of our hands now. We hope that one day he will fully understand that humans can be kind and the world can be good.